Lowmel Trainer "Chestnut"

3 299 kr

= Skickas inom 48h
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Style : 1133032-CHE


The UGG Lowmel Trainer in Chestnut offers a relaxed but stylish expression. The shoe is padded for extra comfort, and the upper in recycled canvas and suede provides a sustainable and environmentally friendly design. With its chunky silhouette and cane EVA sole, it's ideal for girls who want to combine style with environmental awareness


This is how it works:

1. Place your order at

2. We headhunt the product through our network of suppliers.

3. We buy the product home for you.

4. We get your item into the warehouse, ensure quality and authenticity before the order is sent with your default shipping method. Delivery time from there is 1-3 working days.

Delivery time may vary for pre-ordered items but is generally within 7-21 working days. Rarer products may take longer for us to purchase as availability on the market and with our suppliers is less.

NOTE: Green dot on the product variant means that the product can be delivered within 1-3 working days.

You will receive updates about your order via email. If you have questions, email us with your order number at

To cancel / return a pre-ordered product, a handling fee of SEK 250 is added, which covers our costs for shipping when purchasing and headhunting the item. To do this, email with your name, order number and reason for return, and our team will help you.

When refunding a canceled or returned purchased pre-ordered product, where the value exceeds SEK 6,001, a handling fee of 10% is deducted from the refund amount.


Klarna invoice is sent out when the package leaves our warehouse and is on its way to you.


Leveranstid 2-5 arbetsdagar. OBS! Beställningar lagda på helger skickas tidigast måndagen efter.

Vid förbeställning sker leverans vanligtvis inom 7-21 arbetsdagar. OBS! Vid förbeställning kan leveranstid vara längre än 21 dagar, det är endast snittet. Skulle du vilja avbryta din order går det bra fram tills att vi har köpt in din beställa produkt, då dras det av en hanteringsavgift på återbetalningsbeloppet. För mer Information läs återbetalningspolicy.

Om förseningar i leveransen skulle uppstå (utan att vi har meddelat dig om längre leveranstid) ska du kontakta oss på:

Vid ej uthämtat paket tar vi en hanteringsavgift på 200SEK.